CONFERENCE flyer Manchester University 'Writing in Opposition'

One Day Conference: Wednesday 23 May, 9:30-17.30
10th Floor Conference Suite, Harold Hankins Building,
University of Manchester
In his Forging Democracy (2002), Geoff Eley argues that the main burden of democratic advocacy in Europe from the late nineteenth century was borne by parties in the socialist tradition. He also reaffirms the relevance of socialist values to radical movements emerging in the spaces left with the decline of traditional socialist politics. These themes are discussed in a day conference opened by Geoff Eley and bringing together both historical and contemporary perspectives.
09:45-10:30 Geoff Eley (Michigan) 'Writing in opposition'
10:45-12.45 Ian Bullock (Sussex), 'Real democracy and the British left in the early twentieth century'
Karen Hunt (Keele), 'Making a transnationalist politics before the First World War: Finland, suffrage and Dora Montefiore'
Sheila Rowbotham (Manchester), 'Utopia imminent in the present: the politics of Edward Carpenter'
13:45-15.45 George McKay (Salford), '"A soundtrack to the insurrection": street music, marching bands and popular protest'
Sarah Benton (Soundings), 'Eurocommunism and the third road c1968-78'
16:00-17:30 Roundtable: with Stefan Berger (Manchester), Geoff Eley, Donald Sassoon (Queen Mary, London), Hilary Wainwright (editor, Red Pepper); chair: David Howell (York)
Conference registration, to cover lunch and refreshments, is £15, students and unwaged £10; for further details contact [email protected] or register on-line at Please register in advance.
The conference is sponsored by Cultmep (University of Manchester) and Manchester European Research Institute (MMU).